
Quality Control Analysis Sample Report


Data Pre-Processing

Quality Control Plots:
   Reproducibility between replicates
   PMvsMM Histograms
   RNA Degradation
   MvA Plots
   Control Probeset Analysis
   Correlation Plots

Report Summary

Customer:Joe Blogg
 Joe.blogg email
Author:Sonia Shah
Chip Type:HU133A
Summary:The GeneChip data comprising this experiment pass the QC criteria with no warning flags.

File descriptions:

array indexfilecondition

The experiment is looking at the effect of compound A on gene expression. Samples were collected at three time points: 0hr (t0 - no compound treatment), 1hr after treatment (t1) and 2hrs after treatment (t2). The experiment was done using 3 biological replicates for each time point.


Data Pre-Processing

Pre-processing of Affymetrix data involves three steps: background adjustment, normalisation and summarisation. Normalisation adjusts the data to make the measurements from different arrays comparable. Summarisation combines the multiple probe intensities for each probeset to produce a single expression value for each probe set. We use the following two methods:

  1. MAS5.0 corrects for hybridisation to the mismatch (MM) probes for that particular probeset. The output is an expression value which we convert to log2 prior to further analysis. We do not filter on Absent, Present, Marginal calls. We then perform a between-chip loess normalisation on all GeneChips included in the experiment. The intensity values (log2) for the MAS5-normalised data can be found in file MAS5_loess_log2.tsv, which can be opened in Excel (.tsv is tab-separated value).

  2. GCRMA is an alternative method which calculates a background adjustment step that ignores the MM intensities (RMA; Robust Multi-Array Analysis), which also incorporates sequence information from the probes (GC). This method performs within-chip and between-chip normalisations in a single step. The intensity values (log2) for the GCRMA-normalised data can be found in file GCRMA.tsv, which can be opened in Excel.
Other normalisation methods available are Plier (Affymetrix), Li Wong (dChip) and RMA (no GC correction).


QC Plots


Pre-normalised Data
Normalised Data
Comment: The boxplots overlap fairly well showing that there is not large variation in the intensity values between each GeneChip with the exception of the treated_T2_rep1. However this variation is removed by normalisation.


Reproducibility between replicates (PM data only)

Pre-normalised Data
MAS5 Normalised Data
GCRMA Normalised Data
Comment: The treatedT2_rep1 has a higher mean than the other two replicates. MAS5 does not seem to normalise the treatedT2_rep1 as well as GCRMA


Histograms of PM vs MM

Comment: The PM/MM distributions are typical, thought some have slightly broader shoulders than others e.g.treatedT1_rep1 and treatedT2_rep3


RNA Degradation

Comment: There does not seem to be any problem in RNA quality as such values are expected in amplified RNA samples.


MvA Plots

Click on the plots for a larger image
Comment: The loess curves do not deviate significantly from the M=0 axis indicating good replicate reproducibility.


Control Probeset Analysis

Comment: The chips pass all the QC stats indicating good quality data. The only point to flag is the high background for treatedT2_rep1.


Correlation Plots

Click on the plots for a larger image
Comment: Chip 7 (treatedT2_rep1) is the least correlated chip. However, it does correlate better with its biological replicates than to the other chips




The data was analysed using Bioconductor v1.5 and R version 2.1.0

Bioconductor: open software development for computational biology and bioinformatics

Wu et al., GCRMA normalisation

Miller et al. Simpleaffy package

TIGR MeV v3.1

Affect of RNA Amplification on RNA Degradation

Higher degradation is to be expected when an extra round of RNA amplification has been used, so reference chips must be chosen carefully.

To illustrate this, the RNA degradation plot below was made using published data from several mouse M403_2 chips. These datasets were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus, GEO. The comparison used data obtained from eight chips hybridised with Universal Mouse Reference RNA Samples from Stratagene.


GEO Sample IDRNA Sample
GSM24056, GSM24057, GSM24058MUR OneRNA
GSM24060, GSM24061MUR TwoRNA
GSM24062, GSM24063 ,GSM24064MUR RS 10ng-1

OneRA: One round of amplification
TwoRA: Two rounds of amplification
RS   : Ribo-SPIA amplification

1.07, 1.03, 1.05,
5.35, 5.24,
4.51, 4.58, 4.48
3.98e-04, 7.90e-04, 5.86e-04,
1.02e-12, 4.90e-13,
1.03e-10, 9.54e-11,  8.43e-11

MvA Plots

Type of Samples and CommentsMvA Plots
GCRMA normalised data from two ‘good’ chips. Notice the almost flat Loess line (red) and the near symmetric nature of the plot about the A axis.
MAS5.0 and Loess normalised data from two good chips. Once again the plot is almost symmetric about the A axis, although notice the different shape to the plot, with larger peaks around A=4. This is characteristic of MAS5.0 normalised data and not a QC issue.
MAS5.0 normalisation on an extremely poor set of 4 chips. Notice that although there is still some of the characteristic MAS5.0 shape to the plots, the loess lines in red are not particularly straight. None of the plots is remotely symmetric about the A axis: each of the plots shows a distinct skew for higher A values.

SimpleAffy QC

A number of additional QC assessments can be made on the MAS5.0 normalised data using the BioConductor library Simpleaffy. These are as follows:

  1. Average background
    This should be similar across all chips. Differences could be due to unequal amounts of RNA in the hybridisation step or due to one of the hybridisations incorporating more label, thus producing a ‘brighter’ chip. Values are given next to each chip, underneath the %Present call.

  2. Scale factor
    MAS5.0 scales the intensity for each sample so that each array has the same mean; the amount of scaling required is given by the scale factor. A broad range of scale factors across the arrays would indicate differing amounts or quality of RNA. Affymetrix recommend that scale factors should lie within 3-fold of each other. The blue stripe represents this range of acceptable scale factors. Scale factors are plotted as dots on the end a line from the centre of the image. A line to the left indicates down-scaling; a line to right indicates up-scaling. Were any of the scale factors to fall outside the strip, they would all be coloured red.

  3. Number of genes called ‘Present’
    By generating Present/Marginal/Absent calls, the fraction of genes called ‘Present’ (‰Present) can be calculated for each array. As before, differing amounts or quality of RNA can lead to a broad range of %Present values across the arrays. Variation between different tissue types or samples may be expected. However, the %Present values of replicates ought to be similar. Values are given to the right of each chip name, on the left hand side of the plot.

  4. 3’ to 5’ ratios
    3’ to 5’ ratios provide a measure of the quality of the RNA used. Rather than the previous RNA degradation graphs which considered all probes across an array, Simpleaffy looks specifically at Β-actin and GAPDH, two relatively long genes. The reasoning is similar: by comparing the intensity values from the 3’ probeset to the 5’ or mid-point probesets a 3’:5’ ratio can be calculated. A high ratio indicates significant RNA degradation or a poor in vitro transcription (IVT) step. GAPDH 3’:5’ ratios are plotted as circles – ratios > 1 are coloured red (unacceptable). Β-actin 3’:5’ ratios are plotted as triangles. Being longer than GAPDH, unacceptable ratios are > 3 and also coloured red. Acceptable ratios for both are coloured blue.

  5. Spike-in probesets
    Additional labelled cRNAs are added to validate the hybridisation step. BioB is added at a concentration of 1.5pM. This amounts to roughly 3 transcripts per cell which is the lower limit of detection for the Affymetrix system. Ideally BioB should be called ‘Present’ on every array, but a lower bound of 70% Present across all arrays is considered acceptable. This information is not plotted but can be obtained using the R command outlined above.

An example SimpleAffy QC plot is shown below. More information on these QC metrics can be found in the SimpleAffy website from which this plot was taken.