DomPred Help Page

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Input sequence (single letter code)

DomPred lower sequence length limit

PSI-BLAST sequence alignment domain prediction

DomSSEA domain prediction

Include secondary structure profile plot

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Format of Results

Input sequence (single letter code)

Type or cut and paste your query sequence into the form (no nucleic acid sequences please!). The sequence must be in the format of the amino acid single letter code, in either capital and or lower-case letters. Spaces within the pasted sequence are permitted - however note that these will be parsed out prior to analysis.

We recommend that you enter your sequence as a plain single-letter string like this: ALGSNLNTPVEQLHAALKAISQLSNTHLVTTSSFYKSKPLGPQDQPDYVNAVAKIETELS

DomPred lower sequence length limit

Figure 1.

Of course it is possible for a chain of 120 residues or less to consist of two-domains, and if you have such suspicions about your query, it is worth considering that over 99% of domains in the CATH database are over 40 residues in length, it is therefore likely that the domain boundary in such a case will be located approximately midway between the amino and carboxyl termini of the query sequence.

PSI-BLAST sequence alignment domain prediction

The PSI-BLAST sequence alignment domain prediction searches the query sequence against a large database of sequences (nrdb90), including sequences from Pfam-A.

Pfam-A search
Domain sequences from Pfam-A are searched against the query sequence, and if significant sequence matches are found (as defined by the chosen E-value cut-off), this is indicated on the DomPred results page. A separate table displaying such hits accessible from the results page.
Homology to largely complete Pfam-A sequences may be found over all or part of the query sequence, thus indicating a putative single or multi-domain chain respectively.

Query vs sequence database
In cases where no clear homology exists to known domain sequences, such as Pfam-A domain sequences, a different strategy is required. Here, the query sequence is searched against a non-redundant sequence database (nrdb90), utilising the given parameters specified in the input form to identify significantly matching sequence homologues. These matching sequences are then used to identify possible domain boundaries within the query sequence (and therefore predict if single or multi-domain).
The domain boundary prediction procedure utilises an algorithm to identify residue positions to which the N and C termini of matching database hits are aligned to the query sequence. The positions of the N and C termini from all the PSI-BLAST database matches are simply summed along the query sequence. Cases where both N and C termini hits are found in similar regions along the query sequence are given a higher weighting.
The summed profile is then smoothed using a window of 15 residues, and Z-score's calculated over this profile. Significant peaks (Zscore>1.5) over the mean termini value of the query are assigned as putative domain boundaries. Termini hits to the first and last 50 residues of the alignment profile are not considered as these regions often contain a large multiple of alignment termini that correspond to the true termini ends of the query sequence.
The alignment profile generated by the PSI-BLAST alignments (and drawn by gnuplot) is shown at the top of the results page. Putative domain boundaries are indicated by peaks in the plot. Peaks considered to be significant by the algorithm are indicated.
In cases where significant peaks are found, and the query sequence is predicted to be multi-domain, multi-domain predictions given by DomSSEA are given higher significance.

Input E-value cut-off (default 0.01)
Optimisation of the PSI-BLAST sequence alignment domain prediction showed an E-value cut-off of 0.01 to give the best trade-off between the sensitivity and selectivity (define?) of domain boundary prediction. Decreasing the E-value (ie reducing the number of 'significant' aligned sequences) was found to reduce sensitivity however increase the selectivity of domain boundary prediction.

Input number of PSI-BLAST iterations (default 5)
The default number of PSI-BLAST iterations used is 5. Decreasing the iteration number may increase the speed of the PSI-BLAST search, but my also result in the failure to identify more distant homologues. The user should be aware that the higher the iteration value the higher the risk of introducing profile wander into the PSI-BLAST sequence search.

DomSSEA domain prediction

In cases where no significant sequence matches have been found to Pfam-A sequences, or no significant domain termini peaks found by the PSI-BLAST alignment algorithm, DomSSEA can be used to predict the domain content of you query sequence.
As outlined in Marsden et al. (In Press), DomSSEA is based on the idea that a crude fold recognition algorithm based on the mapping of predicted secondary structures to observed secondary structure patterns in domains of known 3-D structure might be reliable enough to parse a long target sequence into putative domains. This is often the way in which a human sequence analyst will attempt to parse a protein into domains when homology-based approaches have been unsuccessful.
Secondary structure element alignments methods (SSEA) have been shown to provide a rapid prediction of the fold for given sequences with no detectable homology to any known structure and have also been applied to the related problem of novel fold detection (McGuffin et al., 2001; McGuffin & Jones, 2002).

DomSSEA results table

An example of the DomSSEA results table output is shown below. The table lists the prediction results in decending order of the SSEA score. Information about the aligned chain from the DomSSEA library can be accessed by clicking on appropriate PDB code which takes you to its PDBSum entry. The predicted number of domains and corresponding domain boundaries are listed, as are the CATH 'CAT' codes of the domain(s) aligned to the query sequence. A dash (-) is placed in the domain boundary column for single domain predictions as single domains have no inter-domain boundarys. A '?' is used in cases where a boundary assignment is unclear.

Match SSEA No. Doms Boundaries CATH code
0.831 7mdhB Show SSEA 2 187
3 40 50 , 3 90 110
0.823 1mldD Show SSEA 2 172
3 40 50 , 3 90 110

Include secondary structure profile plot

Multi-domain proteins may contain regions of different secondary structure class. For example a two-domain chain may contain an all-beta domain, followed by an all-alpha domain. The transition between such regions may be enough to predict a putative domain boundary.
Secondary structure predictions are made for query sequences by PSIPRED. Using a smoothing window of 9 residues, a profile of the secondary structure can be shown on the plot shown at the top of the results page figure (2).

Show PSIPRED prediction
The graphical output generated by PSIPRED can be shown on the results page if specified. .Pdf and .PS versions of these predictions can be downloaded.For more information on PSIPRED go to the PSIPRED homepage

Attach results to email?

All results data from the results form can be emailed. Note however this may result in a large amount of data being sent to your email server.

Format of Results

The response email provides a link to a web page containing the DomPred results for the protein submitted. For example, if we submit the AXONIN-1 protein (PDB ID 1CS6) to the DomPred server, the following result page is generated:

Marsden home >
Bryson home >
McGuffin home > DomPred Prediction Results For 1CS6
DomPred home > Sequence length 382 residues


Pfam-A hits found
Number PSIBLAST hits = 3294
Show PSI-BLAST Output
Show Parsed PSI-BLAST Output
Putative domain boundaries located in PSI-BLAST alignment profile:
Number of predicted domains by DPS: 4
Domain boundaries predicted by DPS: 102 188 290

Match SSEA No. Doms Boundaries SCOP code
0.788 1cs6A Show SSEA 4 99 , 207 , 293
b.1.1.4 , b.1.1.4
b.1.1.4 , b.1.1.4
0.787 1bihB Show SSEA 4 99 , 207 , 293
b.1.1.4 , b.1.1.4
b.1.1.4 , b.1.1.4
0.771 1l0qD Show SSEA 2 332
b.1.3.1 , b.69.2.3
0.771 1fnf0 Show SSEA 4 110 , 216 , 311
b.1.2.1 , b.1.2.1
b.1.2.1 , b.1.2.1
0.768 1l0qC Show SSEA 2 332
b.1.3.1 , b.69.2.3
0.760 1d2pA Show SSEA 4 87 , 184 , 282
b.3.5.1 , b.3.5.1
b.3.5.1 , b.3.5.1
0.755 1igtB Show SSEA 4 114 , 207 , 321
b.1.1.1 , b.1.1.2
b.1.1.2 , b.1.1.2
0.751 1igtD Show SSEA 4 114 , 207 , 321
b.1.1.1 , b.1.1.2
b.1.1.2 , b.1.1.2
0.742 1wiqA Show SSEA 4 99 , 170 , 293
b.1.1.1 , b.1.1.1
b.1.1.3 , b.1.1.3

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Comments, Suggestions

Marsden,R.L., McGuffin,L.J. & Jones,D.T. 2002. Rapid protein domain assignment from amino acid sequence using predicted secondary structure. Protein Science, In Press.
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The graph is derived from the N- and C-termini positions from PSI-BLAST local alignments. In this way, large values indicate regions where sequence discontinuities occur, thus indicate putative domain boundaries. Below this is given the predicted number of domains and the positions of domain boundaries predicted from the peaks in this graph. In general, this graph should always be visually inspected to confirm the predicted number of domains and possible domain boundaries since a large degree of variation is possible, due to aspects such as disorder and variation in the domain linker region, which may not always be accurately handled by the automatic peak detector. In this case 4 domains are predicted with the domain boundaries at residue positions 102, 188, 290.

Following the PSI-BLAST derived results is the DomSSEA results. PSIPRED is used to predict the secondary structure of the query sequence, and this secondary structure is then aligned against the DSSP determined secondary structures over a complete fold library. The SSEA (Secondary Structure Element Alignment) scoring scheme is employed to carry out this matching by aligning complete secondary structure element. The reasoning behind this is that secondary structure is more conserved than sequence and thus more remote structural relationships will be detected. Once a fold is detected which matches the secondary structure of the query sequence, the domain boundaries of the matched fold are simply transferred to the query sequence. In this way, the method also predicts putative folds for the individual domains, given in terms of SCOP codes. In this case the best secondary structure match is with itself, chain A of the PDB structure 1CS6. Clearly this is a completely accurate prediction ! If the sequence was actually novel and not already in the PDB, the best match would be to chain B in PDB structure 1BIH, again predicting a 4 domain protein with boundaries at residue positions 99 ,207 and 293. In this case the domains are all predicted to be the same fold, with SCOP code b.1.1.4 (Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich). The third prediction is only for two domains and is a false positive. The fourth prediction is again for 4 domains with the domains having the fold given by SCOP code b.1.2.1., this is again an Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich, although in a different super-family (Fibronectin type III).

So there is a general consensus that the structure is a 4 domain structure with identical Immunoglobulin-like beta-sandwich domains. The following graphic shows that this is the correct prediction:

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